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Co-op City Celebrates 50 Years

News 12 coverage of Co-op City's 50th anniversary at Marina Del Rey on Dec 10, 2018.

Bronx Times coverage of the 50th anniversary. coverage of 50 years of Co-op City.

The Architect's Newspaper profiles 50 years of Co-op City.

Metro coverage of long time shareholder celebrating 50 years.

New covers Co-op City's spectacular 50th anniversary fireworks.

This is the shows Co-op City nearing 50 years 

Co-op City Times Coverage of the 50th Anniversary

Co-op City Times coverage of Co-op City's 50th anniversary celebrations.

Co-op City Celebrates Juneteenth as part of 50th anniversary celebrations.

President Linda Berk says there's "a lot to celebrate in our 50=year history"

Grand Finale for 50th  Anniversary

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