Coalition To Save Affordable Housing at Co-op City
Coalition To Save Affordable Housing By-Laws
To keep Co-op City affordable and livable within the Mitchell-Lama program.
To encourage fuller cooperator participation in activities within Co-op City.
To enhance cooperative spirit and fulfill the aims and principles of the founders of the cooperative movement.
1. Shall be open to resident cooperators.
2. Membership dues shall be $10.00 per household annually.
3. The membership dues period shall begin in September and run through August of the following year.
1. Shall preside over membership and Executive Committee meetings.
2. Shall act upon the vote of the majority.
3. Shall cast the deciding vote in cases of tie votes.
Shall assume the duties of the Chairperson when the Chairperson is absent.
1. Shall record minutes of Membership and Executive Committee meetings.
2. Shall keep records of elections.
Assistant Secretary
Shall assist the Secretary as needed.
1. Shall be responsible for handling all monies collected and dispersed.
2. Shall keep records of members and dues collected.
3. Shall present financial reports to the membership at general meetings.
Assistant Treasurer
Shall assist the Treasurer as needed.
Membership Director
1. Shall keep membership records, recruit new members to the organization and collect the annual dues payments of members.
2. Shall have voting authority on the organizations Executive Committee.
Six (6) members-at-large are elected to serve with the officers and be part of the executive committee with full voting rights.
No conflict of interest
No director of the Riverbay Board may hold an elected office in the Coalition to Save Affordable Housing.
1. Shall consist of Chairperson, Co-Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary,Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Membership Director and six (6) Members-at-large.
2. Shall be elected by the membership.
3. Shall implement policies made by the membership.
4. Committee expenditures exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) must be authorized by the membership.
5. Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be open -- on a non-voting basis -- to all cooperators who wish to further the goals of the organization.
6. If a member of the Executive Committee is absent from three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without a valid excuse, then that seat on the Executive Committee may be declared vacant by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
7. The Chairperson or any two officers of the organization can call for a meeting of the Executive Committee, and the officers as well as the membership of the organization must be notified of the meeting.
8. The Executive Committee shall have authority to establish ad-hoc committees as needed.
An Election Committee for the organizations campaigns in Riverbay Board of Directors elections shall be established prior to the start of the Riverbay Board election campaign period.
1. To seek and interview potential candidates who subscribe to the program of the Coalition to Save Affordable Housing and to recommend nominees for the general membership to consider.
2. To prepare and submit a campaign budget to the general membership for approval.
3. To prepare, publish, and distribute campaign material.
1. The Election Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members appointed by the Executive Committee at the commencement of each election campaign period.
2. Officers of the Election Committee shall be:
- A Campaign Director who shall convene and chair meetings of the Election Committee and who shall report to the Executive Committee of the Coalition to Save Affordable Housing,
- A Treasurer who shall keep records of all financial transactions of the campaign, make monthly reports to the Executive Committee of the Coalition to Save Affordable Housing and a final financial report at the conclusion of the Riverbay Board election.
- A Secretary who shall keep a record of all Election Committee decisions.
3. Three (3) members of the Election Committee shall constitute a quorum to conduct business.
1. A separate bank account for the Election Committee shall be established at the start of the election campaign period and shall be closed when the campaign period ends.
2. The campaign budget shall be approved by the membership of the Coalition to Save Affordable Housing
3. A majority vote of the Election Committee shall constitute authority for approving expenditures and signing checks. Two signatures shall be required on all checks.
4. At least three (3) Election Committee members including the Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary shall have check signing authority.
5. Final disbursement of funds remaining at the end of the campaign will be determined by the membership of the Coalition to Save Affordable Housing.
The Executive Committee of CSAH shall have full oversight authority over the Election Committee.
1. Officers and Members-at-large shall serve for one year.
2. Nominations and elections for officers shall be held during the month of October; and terms of office shall commence immediately.
1. Fifteen (15) dues paying members shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the membership.
2. Four (4) members of the executive committee, one of whom must be an officer, shall constitute a quorum of the Executive Committee.
Vacancy on the Executive Committee shall be filled for the remainder of the uncompleted term by a vote of the membership.
Amendments must be ratified by 2/3 of the membership present at a meeting.
As a non-profit organization the Coalition to Save Affordable Housing shall raise funds in addition to annual membership dues by solicitation and donations.
All meetings will be conducted under Robert's Rules of Order.