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We The People

"A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: and a people who mean to be their own governors, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives."                

James Madison (1751-1836)
4th President of the United States (1809-1817)


                   10/16/2012: Governments must support worker's fight for higher wages

    The labor market is not self-regulating; governments must support worker's fight for higher wages

                                         Source:                          ___________________________________________________________________________________________

   09/27/2012: The United States of ALEC: Secretive Corporate-Legislative Body Writing Our Laws

                                                               Check it out!


    07/31/2012: "Exhaustive Study Finds Global Elite Hiding Up to $32 Trillion in Offshore Accounts"

James Henry, economist, lawyer, board member of the Tax Justice Network, and author of the report, "The Price of Offshore Revisited." He is former chief economist at McKinsey & Company.


                       03/28/2012: "CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise"

An intelligence insider's straight view on the crap affecting America, with a good understanding of the bigger picture. A must see to pass on.

                      Video: CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise

               3/27/2012: Should Supreme Court Find Insurance Mandate Unconstitutional?

   Mandate is both bad policy and unconstituional, this is an opportunity to push for "Medicare for All"

               Should Supreme Court Find Insurance Mandate Unconstitutional?

                            Source: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

   State Dept. Seeks Firing of Peter Van Buren, Whistleblower Who Exposed Wasteful Iraq Projects

3/13/2012: :"Obama Admin Cites 'Int'l Permission,' Not Congress, As 'Legal Basis' ForAction In Syria"

                Obama Admin Cites 'Int'l Permission,' Not Congress, As 'Legal Basis' For Action In Syria


                                  “An Idea Whose Time Has Come”

We call on all free-thinking men and women the world over to come together to take our countries back.  

The Second Republic Project is a basic blueprint – a Model or “Template”, if you like – on how we can all work together to do this. 

If we can build Critical Mass among public opinion in each country; then the scales will tip in our favour…faster than you imagine!

Considering the terrible events that we are seeing on the political, economic, financial, social, military and diplomatic fronts throughout the World – in the Middle East, Europe, the US, North Africa – l would ask that if you agree with what we’re saying, then you please help us inform as many people as possible by sharing this video with family, friends, neighbors and colleagues.

                                         Please Stay Alert, Stand Fast!!

Here is the link:


                               "Time for an Economic Bill of Rights"
                                                  By Ellen Brown


                                      Web of Debt



01/12/2012: The U.S. government both the Congress and Senate and Obama committed Treason against the U.S. Citizens!

   The bill 1031 written by Senators McCain and Levin which was part of the Defense Bill for 2012, gives the U.S the right to use the military on U.S. streets and to be able to take and hold a U.S Citizen without rights to a lawyer, trial or charges for the rest of their lives!

U.S. Government Committed Treason against Citizens - Indefinite Detainment PLUS Rights to Kill

Senator Graham on 12/15/11, on the Senate floor disclosed it gave the U.S. Rights to KILL U.S. Citizens also. To see that portion go here:

The Media has been silent about this! 99% of the American Public does not know about this new law!

                                 PLEASE GET THE WORD OUT!

               You do realize this is how the Nazis started.

                        01/01/2012: Obama Signs the “National Defense Authorization Act" 


Read the article at
12/27/2011: Voices From the Occupy Movement

                Eviction Reinforces Occupy Wall Street Determination


              Thousands of Student Protesters Return to London

             To All Police Officers From Occupy Wall Street

                          Report from Oakland Occupation
          Educators use Occupy Movement to Defend Public Education

                                           "Voices from Occupy Wall Street"

                               "Voices from Occupy LA"

                                 Video: Occupy LA _______________________________________________________________________
                        "Occupy Detroit, Open Forum"

                       Video: Occupy Detroit, Open Forum


                "Hundreds of Community Activists Gather in Baltimore"



The euro crisis is not going away, nor are the "indignados" or "occupy" protests

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